Harrison Competency Libraries
The Harrison System includes the following sets of competencies:
Leadership Competencies- These sets of behavioural competencies enable leaders to deeply understand their own behaviours in relation to best practice. There are ten behavioural competencies in each of the Senior Leader Set and the Emerging Leader Set.
Emotional Intelligence Competencies- This set of 4 behavioural competencies provides a detailed insight into the four areas of emotional intelligences including: Knowing Oneself, Relationship Leadership, Self-Motivation & Self-Management, and Social Awareness & Service Orientation.
Collaboration Competencies- This set of 5 behavioural competencies enables employees to gain insight into the key areas necessary to build a collaborative culture.
Harrison General Behavioural Competencies- This set of behavioural competencies provides a range of different competencies such as judgement, and coaching that can be used for recruitment or employee development.